Arduino Software Update

To successfully install the software so that the kids do not require further assistance, please plug in an Arduino board to your computer to a USB port as part of this installation process.

The instructions are very slightly different for Mac and Windows installs.

  1. Go to the Arduino Software page and scroll down to the “Download the Arduino IDE” section. Select the correct file relating to your operating system and download it onto your computer.
  2. Open the downloaded file and follow the instructions to install it onto your computer.
    1. If you have a Windows machine, it also prompts you to install a USB driver which has been bundled with the downloaded file - this is required for the Arduino board to connect to the computer, so this driver can be safely installed.
    2. If you have a Mac, please download a driver and install it onto your machine.
  3. Open the software and test the connection.
    1. If you have a Windows machine, go to Tools > Port and select the COM port which corresponds to the USB port the Arduino board is plugged into. If you do not know which port you are using, open a new file (File > New) and upload it to the Arduino board (Sketch > Upload). Change the port selected under Port > Tools until the upload is successful and does not return an error message - the program will return “Done uploading.”
    2. If you have a Mac and have successfully installed the driver above, go to Tools > Port and select the option which looks like this “/dev/cu....”. Test the connection by opening a new file (File > New) and uploading it to the Arduino board (Sketch > Upload). If it’s been successful, the program will return “Done uploading.”
  4. Select the correct type of Arduino board. Go to Tools > Board and select "Arduino/Genuino Uno" from the drop-down menu selection.

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